Strategy on Prioritizing Women of African Descent in UN Women’s work in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) 2016-2018

Lac mujeres afrodescendientes

The Strategy has been elaborated by Victoria Díaz García, Programme Specialist in the Area on Norms, Policies and Standards on women’s rights and gender equality, and focal point for indigenous and afro-descendent issues at UN Women’s Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean in Panama, and chair of UN Women’s Regional Working Group on Afro- descendent Women, with the support of Lara Blanco, Deputy Regional Director and Tonni Brodber (UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean), as President and co-chair of the Group, respectively, as well as inputs from members of the Group, in particular: Ana Carolina Querino (UN Women Brazil), Karin Mattson (UN Women Mexico), Miosotis Rivas Peña (UN Women Dominican Republic) and Lorena Barba (UN Women Ecuador and Regional Office). The Strategy has been validated by the Network of Afro-latinamerican, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women (RMAAD) and UN Women’s offices in Latin America and the Caribbean. The valuable support of Imanol Berrueco, Professional Intern from the Basque government, and Amanda Tamayo Olea, Intern of the M.A. on International Cooperation Development Policies of the University of Málaga is acknowledged and appreciated.

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Coordination and conceptualization: Victoria Díaz García

Author: Victoria Díaz García

Edition and layout: Amanda Tamayo

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