International Instruments for the Rights of Women and Indigenous Peoples.

This publication, in which international treaties are reproduced on the rights of women and indigenous peoples, is based on the compilation by the UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean and replaces the first edition of 2012 based in the Regional UN Women Program "Working against ethnic and racial discrimination for the effective exercise of the rights of indigenous Latin American women". It was re-edited and presented here in the context of the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples 2014.
This aim is to facilitate access to these international standards to government officers, civil society, an in particular women's organizations and indigenous peoples to contribute to the recognition and effective enjoyment of the human rights of indigenous women, both collective and individual, as well as reducing ethnic and gender discrimination. A number of regional instruments emanating from intergovernmental processes are also included, especially the Regional Conferences on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean where indigenous women have also struggled to ensure that their demands be heard and included in these instruments.