Investors for Equality

Inversionistas por la igualdad

The innovative financing and gender-sensitive investment initiative Investors for Equality (Inversionistas por la Igualdad), promoted by UN Women within the framework of the Win Win programme, is a platform for meeting and dialogue among the actors of the investment ecosystem for the promotion of innovative financing and the mobilization of gender-sensitive investments in Latin America and the Caribbean.


The strategy is to build the capacity and connectivity of those who influence this ecosystem (leaders, intermediaries, and experts). The rationale is the need to eliminate the existing gap between men and women in accessing investment capital; with the conviction that investing in women is not only an ethical imperative but also results in good business.

Only actions that involve all stakeholders will close the financing gap, and Investors for Equality advocates for this goal in three ways:

• Strengthening and visibilizing the demand for investment from women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses.
• Including gender equality in the world of finance, investments, and investors' internal practices.
• Creating favorable conditions for investing with a gender lens.

banner inversionistas por la igualdad

How to join the Initiative if I am a company?

To become a member of the initiative you must complete the membership application form and commit to the Investors for Equality guiding principles.

Member Benefits

Become a Champion of the Initiative with the objective of promoting actions and commitments to mobilize more gender-sensitive investments and innovative financing.
Obtain recognition as a reference that promotes commitment to gender equality and advocacy in the financial sector.
Access studies, documents, and first-hand information.
Co-execute projects and actions prioritized within the framework of the Initiative.

How can I join the Initiative if I am an expert?

UN Women has an advisory group that accompanies the implementation process, in the search and dissemination of business opportunities, the generation of evidence and business models that demonstrate the importance and profitability of investing in women.

Objectives of the advisory group

Accompany UN Women in the implementation of the initiative for innovative financing and gender-sensitive investments. 
Contribute to a space for technical discussion on the challenges for strengthening the gender investment ecosystem. 
Support the identification of the needs of the ecosystem for the generation of evidence, information, and knowledge of the role of the financial sector in the promotion of gender-sensitive investments. 

To join, please fill out the application form and indicate to which working group you would like to belong:

1) Diversification and creation of new investment products and instruments.
2) Generation of information and impact indicators for gender-sensitive investments.
3) Creation of definitions and standards for gender-sensitive investments.

How can I join the Initiative if I am an expert?

Guiding Principles to Promote Innovative Financing and Investments with a Gender Lens

For more information:

Gabriela Rosero: g.roseromoncayo[at]
Pamela Ogando: pamela.ogando[at]