In Focus: UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63)

CSW63: Social Protection, Public services, Infrastructure

Top stories | Photo essay | Photos | Social media

This year, the 63rd session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63), the UN’s largest gathering on gender equality, is taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11 – 22 March 2019. It will focus on the theme, “Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls”.

What does the theme mean for women and girls? It is a fundamental aspect to guarantee a series of rights such as health, retirement, access to housing or credit programs of all kinds, education and skills, etc.

When infrastructure, public services and social protections are lacking, women and girls are often the most affected. Their needs have to be considered when laws and policies are being designed. Their voices need to shape the decisions that affect their lives. When women are at the table, making decisions, changes are developed  and determined to benefit societies and nations.

The Commission will also review progress in the implementation of the conclusions agreed at the sixtieth session (2016) on "The empowerment of women and their link to sustainable development". Moreover, the Commission will examine "Women and girls of African descent" as a priority area.

Join us to celebrate women and girls, their limitless imagination, their joyous dreams and their boundless strength.


Latin America and the Caribbean in CSW63

The ten days of the session will include ministerial meetings with round tables and other high-level interactive dialogues, a general debate, and other interactive debates and from experts and experts. In addition, multiple side events will be organized to draw attention to crucial issues for gender equality. Side events►


Top stories


Photo essay: Equality is our goal, access is our right

Photos: L-R: UNICEF/Ueslei Marcelino, UNICEF/Brian Sokol, UNICEF/Daniele Volpe

A bus to get to work. A clinic for health care. A monthly pension for old age. Some people can take these for granted. But many others suffer from the lack of infrastructure, public services and social protection that affect their rights and well-being. Women and girls are often foremost among those who miss out. See more►

Social media

  • Are you in New York City for the conference? Use #CSW63 and show your followers what it’s all about!
  • Your experiences and ideas matter on social protection, public services and infrastructure. Tell the world how you want to make a difference using #CSW63.
  • Access the latest information on logistics, official sessions and side events through @UN_CSW on Twitter and UN CSW on Facebook.
  • Can’t join us in New York? Check out our Facebook Live broadcasts from United Nations HQ at UN CSW.
  • Head over to our Instagram Stories at @unwomen for a behind-the-scenes look and interviews!
  • Find more social media content around #CSW63 and the CSW themes on our UN Women accounts: @UN_Women (English), @ONUMujeres (Spanish), and @ONUFemmes (French) on Twitter; UN Women (English), ONU Mujeres (Spanish), and ONU Femmes (French) on Facebook.
  • Find our social media package with messages in English, Spanish and French here.