Resources and tools
The Gender Equality Evaluation Portal makes available more than 200 evaluations on what works to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Gender Equality Evaluation Portal aims to establish a widely accessible database of evaluations that will serve as the tools to strengthen and promote the exchange of findings, conclusions and recommendations gleaned from evaluations with stakeholders and potential users, in order to have a wider impact on learning and to contribute to improved policy design and programming in the area of gender equality. The development of this resource is in response to UN Women’s mandate to lead and coordinate the overall efforts of the UN system to support the full realization of women’s rights and opportunities. It serves as a critical step to advance transparency and mutual accountability for development effectiveness through the establishment of strengthened evidence and data for gender equality and women’s empowerment. read more »
The UN Women Evaluation Handbook: How to manage gender-responsive evaluation is a practical handbook to help those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations. Although specific to UN Women evaluation processes, the Evaluation Handbook may be useful to international development evaluators and professionals, particularly those working on gender equality, women's empowerment and human rights. read more »
EvalPartners is a collaborative website to share knowledge on country-led M&E systems worldwide. In addition to being a learning resource, EvalPartners facilitates the strengthening of a global community, while identifying good practices and lessons learned about program monitoring and evaluation in general, and on country-led M&E systems in particular. While EvalPartners was founded by IOCE, UNICEF and DevInfo, it is managed by a consortium of partner organizations including IDEAS, IPDET, WHO/PAHO, UN Women, ReLAC, Preval, Agencia brasileira de Avaliacao, SLEvA and IPEN. read more »