Dar voz às mulheres: Violência contra as Mulheres no Cone Sul (Parte 2)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Uma co-produção da TV Brasil Internacional e da ONU Mulheres, esta série de cinco partes retrata os desafios que as mulheres enfrentam para acabar com a violência nos lares e nas ruas da região do Cone Sul. Ela lança olhares para os esforços em curso para tornar as cidades mais seguras para as mulheres e fornece assessoria técnica sobre como combater o problema. Esta série foi ao ar na TV Brasil Internacional e TV Brasil (TV aberta), por ocasião do 100 º aniversário do Dia Internacional da…
Maria da Penha: UN Women Survivors' Forum
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Maria da Penha is a survivor of domestic violence. She suffered two murder attempts, was shot and paralyzed. Maria da Penha started participating in social movements against violence and impunity. Her experience and testimony helped to change Brazilian domestic violence laws with the establishment of a national law known as the Maria da Penha Law. The law creates mechanisms to prevent domestic violence against women; supports the arrest of perpetrators in the act of the crime; and bans…
Dar voz às mulheres: Violência contra as Mulheres no Cone Sul (Parte 3)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Uma co-produção da TV Brasil Internacional e da ONU Mulheres, esta série de cinco partes retrata os desafios que as mulheres enfrentam para acabar com a violência nos lares e nas ruas da região do Cone Sul. Ela lança olhares para os esforços em curso para tornar as cidades mais seguras para as mulheres e fornece assessoria técnica sobre como combater o problema. Esta série foi ao ar na TV Brasil Internacional e TV Brasil (TV aberta), por ocasião do 100 º aniversário do Dia Internacional da…
Southern Cone: Economic Rights for Women (Part 4)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
The countries of the Southern Cone have distinct economic realities. However, when the issue is women and labor markets, they have something in common. Women have less secure jobs, receive lower wages, and generally work in the informal sector. Not only is their work undervalued, they face a double workload as they seek to conciliate their working lives with their roles as homemakers and caregivers. In this five-part series, TV Brasil International evaluates the economic realities women live…
Dar la voz a las mujeres: Violencia contra las Mujeres en Cono Sur (Parte 1)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Una co-producción de TV Brasil Internacional y de ONU Mujeres, esta serie de cinco partes retrata los desafíos que las mujeres enfrentan para poner fin a la violencia en los hogares y en las calles de la región del Cono Sur. Aporta diferentes miradas acerca de los esfuerzos en curso para hacer que las ciudades sean más seguras para las mujeres y asesoría técnica sobre cómo combatir el problema. Esta serie fue exhibida en la TV Brasil Internacional y TV Brasil (TV abierta) por motivo del 100º…
Cone Sul: Direitos Econômicos para as Mulheres (Parte 1)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Os países do Cone Sul têm distintas realidades econômicas. No entanto, quando a questão é mulheres e mercado de trabalho, eles têm algumas coisas em comum. As mulheres têm menos empregos estáveis, recebem menores salários e geralmente trabalham no setor informal. Além de ter o seu trabalho desvalorizado, elas enfrentam uma dupla jornada para conciliar a vida profissional com os papéis de donas de cada e cuidadoras. Nas cinco partes da série, a TV Brasil Internacional avalia as realidades…
Cono Sur: Derechos Económicos para las Mujeres (Parte 4)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Los países del Cono Sur tienen diferentes realidades económicas. Pero cuando la cuestión es mujeres y mercado laboral, tienen algunas cosas en común. Las mujeres tienen empleos menos estables, reciben salarios menores y generalmente trabajan en el sector informal. Su trabajo no es sólo infravalorado, sino que ellas enfrentan una doble jornada para conciliar su vida profesional con sus papeles de amas de casa y cuidadoras. En esta serie de cinco capítulos, TV Brasil Internacional evalúa las…
Género, migración, remesas y desarrollo en Vicente Noble, República Dominicana
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Este documental presenta los resultados arrojados en el estudio de caso "Género, remesas y desarrollo: el caso de las mujeres migrantes en Vicente Noble, República Dominicana", realizado en el 2006 por ONU Mujeres (antiguo UN-INSTRAW). Las mujeres de esta localidad cuentan cómo han empezado a migrar hacia España, sus dificultades, logros. Se ve el impacto de esta migración femenina sobre la comunidad de origen.
L'approche de genre dans les études de l'Observatoire des Migrants des Caraïbes (OBMICA)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Bridget Wooding, directrice de l'Observatoire des Migrants des Caraïbes (OBMICA), explique ce qu'apporte l'analyse de genre dans les études sur les migrations et le développement. (Saint Domingue, République Domicaine, 2009)
Southern Cone: Economic Rights for Women (Part 1)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
The countries of the Southern Cone have distinct economic realities. However, when the issue is women and labor markets, they have something in common. Women have less secure jobs, receive lower wages, and generally work in the informal sector. Not only is their work undervalued, they face a double workload as they seek to conciliate their working lives with their roles as homemakers and caregivers. In this five-part series, TV Brasil International evaluates the economic realities women live…
CSW 56 Participant Voices- Margarita Quintanilla
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Margarita Quintanilla has extensively worked in the field of gender-based violence, with both governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations. She is currently the country representative of the international organization PATH, in Nicaragua, which works, among others, to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, through community-based approaches and by strengthening the health services' responses to victims/survivors. She is also the coordinator of…
Women's Voices for Rio + 20 - Mirna Cunningham, Nicaragua
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Mirna Cunningham, Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples, speaks to UN Women about the main issues at stake for indigenous communities at Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, taking place in Rio de Janiero, Brazil in June 2012.
Giving Voice to Women: Violence against Women in the Southern Cone (Part 3)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
A co-production by TV Brasil International and UN Women, this five-part series looks at the challenges women face in standing up to violence in the home and on the streets within the Southern Cone region. It looks at efforts underway to make cities safer for women and provides technical advise on how to combat the issue. This series was broadcast on TV Brasil International and TV Brasil (open TV) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. (Producers: TV…
Gender, migration, remittances and development in Vicente Noble, Dominican Republic
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
This documentary presents the results of the case study "Gender, Remittances and Development: the Case of Women Migrants from Vicente Noble, Dominican Republic", published by UN Women (former UN-INSTRAW) in 2006. The impacts of female migration on the community of Vicente Noble is shown as women describe their reasons for migrating to Spain, the difficulties they faced, and their achievements.
Interview with Sannia Sutherland, Director of Prevention for Jamaica's National HIV/STI Programme
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Jamaica's national response to HIV needs to better address the challenges faced by vulnerable persons, according to Sannia Sutherland, the Director of Prevention for Jamaica's National HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection Programme. Here she highlights the way that higher unemployment levels among women can disproportionately affect their ability to practice safe sex. As she explains, many must choose between buying food for their family, and buying a condom. With women/girls between…
Foro Regional Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Mujeres Jóvenes, Liderazgo y Gobernabilidad
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Foro Regional Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Mujeres Jóvenes, Liderazgo y Gobernabilidad: Compartiendo Experiencias a Nivel Mundial, Ciudad de Panamá, 23-25 Noviembre 2012Síntesis: En el vídeo resume en imágenes los 3 días que duró el Foro Regional Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Mujeres Jóvenes, Liderazgo y Gobernabilidad: Compartiendo Experiencias a Nivel Mundial que se celebró en Ciudad de Panamá del 23-25 Noviembre 2012 organizado por ONU Mujeres, PNUD y UNFPA con el apoyo de la Campaña del…