Jamaican Artist Nadine Sutherland Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Soca Artist TC Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
This Public Service Announcement is one of several featuring Caribbean Artists "UNiTEing" to End Violence Against Women.In this PSA, soca artist TC stresses the importance to unite and end violence against women.(Producer: UNiTE, UN Women; Year of Release: 2010)
Jamaican Artist George Nooks Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Jamaican Artist Tarrus Riley Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Caribbean Artists Indrani and Nelly Stharre Say NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
This Public Service Announcement is one of several featuring Caribbean Artists "UNiTEing" to End Violence Against Women.In this PSA, Barbadian artist Indrani and Dominican Reggae Soul Queen Nelly Stharre perform an excerpt of one of Stharre's original songs to demonstrate the power of positive music to empower women and strengthen their inner power. (Producer: UNIFEM; Year of Release: 2010)
Jamaican Artist Hezron Clarke Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Jamaican Artist Ikaya Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Caribbean Artists Kiokya Cruickshank & Patrice Roberts Say NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
This Public Service Announcement is one of several featuring Caribbean Artists "UNiTEing" to End Violence Against Women.In this PSA, singer Kiokya Cruickshank, a native of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, together with soca artist Patrice Roberts, a Trinidad and Tobago national who has captured national and regional attention, encourage women to be strong and love themselves. (Producer: UNIFEM; Year of Release: 2010)
Caribbean Artists Masud Sadiki and TC Say NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
This Public Service Announcement is one of several featuring Caribbean Artists "UNiTEing" to End Violence Against Women.In this PSA, Caribbean artists Masud Sadiki and TC talk to each other about violence against women.(Producer: UNiTE, UN Women; Year of Release: 2010)
Jamaican Artist Carlene Davis-Cowan Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Jamaican Artist G Whizz Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Guatemala: Farmers' Association Leader Confirms Need To Empower Rural Women
Date: Monday, 14 October 2013
Doña María Elena Pop, leader of the Pocomchí Farmers' Association in Guatemala, speaks about the importance of supporting women's associations and highlights the work of United Nations agencies in this area. Her association has already benefited from a joint project involving UN Women and the Rome-based agencies, World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. The project, Accelerating Progress Towards the Economic…
Giving Voice to Women: Violence against Women in the Southern Cone (Part 4)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
A co-production by TV Brasil International and UN Women, this five-part series looks at the challenges women face in standing up to violence in the home and on the streets within the Southern Cone region. It looks at efforts underway to make cities safer for women and provides technical advise on how to combat the issue. This series was broadcast on TV Brasil International and TV Brasil (open TV) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. (Producers: TV…
Cone Sul: Direitos Econômicos para as Mulheres (Parte 2)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Os países do Cone Sul têm distintas realidades econômicas. No entanto, quando a questão é mulheres e mercado de trabalho, eles têm algumas coisas em comum. As mulheres têm menos empregos estáveis, recebem menores salários e geralmente trabalham no setor informal. Além de ter o seu trabalho desvalorizado, elas enfrentam uma dupla jornada para conciliar a vida profissional com os papéis de donas de cada e cuidadoras. Nas cinco partes da série, a TV Brasil Internacional avalia as realidades…
Cone Sul: Direitos Econômicos para as Mulheres (Parte 3)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Os países do Cone Sul têm distintas realidades econômicas. No entanto, quando a questão é mulheres e mercado de trabalho, eles têm algumas coisas em comum. As mulheres têm menos empregos estáveis, recebem menores salários e geralmente trabalham no setor informal. Além de ter o seu trabalho desvalorizado, elas enfrentam uma dupla jornada para conciliar a vida profissional com os papéis de donas de cada e cuidadoras. Nas cinco partes da série, a TV Brasil Internacional avalia as realidades…
Giving Voice to Women: Violence against Women in the Southern Cone (Part 5)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
A co-production by TV Brasil International and UN Women, this five-part series looks at the challenges women face in standing up to violence in the home and on the streets within the Southern Cone region. It looks at efforts underway to make cities safer for women and provides technical advise on how to combat the issue. This series was broadcast on TV Brasil International and TV Brasil (open TV) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. (Producers: TV…
Dar voz às mulheres: Violência contra as Mulheres no Cone Sul (Parte 1)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Uma co-produção da TV Brasil Internacional e da ONU Mulheres, esta série de cinco partes retrata os desafios que as mulheres enfrentam para acabar com a violência nos lares e nas ruas da região do Cone Sul. Ela lança olhares para os esforços em curso para tornar as cidades mais seguras para as mulheres e fornece assessoria técnica sobre como combater o problema. Esta série foi ao ar na TV Brasil Internacional e TV Brasil (TV aberta), por ocasião do 100 º aniversário do Dia Internacional da…
IV Encuentro sobre remesas y desarrollo, República Dominicana
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Este video es un resumen de un encuentro organizado por la ONG Tú Mujer y co auspiciado por ONU Mujeres (antiguo UN INSTRAW) en Diciembre del 2009 sobre remesas y desarrollo. Se analiza la repercusión de la crisis sobre las remesas, la relación entre remesas y desarrollo en el contexto dominicano, así como la importancia de tener un enfoque de género sobre esta relación.
Dar la voz a las mujeres: Violencia contra las Mujeres en Cono Sur (Parte 5)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Una co-producción de TV Brasil Internacional y de ONU Mujeres, esta serie de cinco partes retrata los desafíos que las mujeres enfrentan para poner fin a la violencia en los hogares y en las calles de la región del Cono Sur. Aporta diferentes miradas acerca de los esfuerzos en curso para hacer que las ciudades sean más seguras para las mujeres y asesoría técnica sobre cómo combatir el problema. Esta serie fue exhibida en la TV Brasil Internacional y TV Brasil (TV abierta) por motivo del 100º…
Dar voz às mulheres: Violência contra as Mulheres no Cone Sul (Parte 4)
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Uma co-produção da TV Brasil Internacional e da ONU Mulheres, esta série de cinco partes retrata os desafios que as mulheres enfrentam para acabar com a violência nos lares e nas ruas da região do Cone Sul. Ela lança olhares para os esforços em curso para tornar as cidades mais seguras para as mulheres e fornece assessoria técnica sobre como combater o problema. Esta série foi ao ar na TV Brasil Internacional e TV Brasil (TV aberta), por ocasião do 100 º aniversário do Dia Internacional da…