Regulatory Framework to Consolidate Parity Demoracy

For years, in light of extreme deficiencies in women’s participation and representation in public life and politics, the focus to promote women’s participation has been on increasing their presence.
Undoubtedly, the quantitative and qualitative presence of women in areas of decision-making has been key in modifying the very structural elements that exclude them, thus contributing to putting an end to the spiral of discrimination and gender inequality. It is therefore a precondition for the public agenda – and public policy – to include new dimensions and perspectives, to become more integrating, inclusive and more legitimate, by representing the interests of all society 50/50.
The proposal to advance towards Parity Democracy entails an additional step forward. It places the democratic system at the center of transformations. It represents a model of democracy in which parity and substantive equality are the backbone of an inclusive State. But, moreover, its implementation and consolidation implies an evolution towards equitable relations in terms of gender, as well as of ethnicity, socioeconomic status and other relations for the equal enjoyment of rights. It is a comprehensive concept that transcends mere politics. This is not a women’s issue, not even a gender issue, but rather an opportunity to decide on the model of State that we want for our region.
Under the aforementioned premises, PARLATINO sanctions this Regulatory Framework on Parity Democracy, structured in five titles.
The timely adoption of this Regulatory Framework coincides with the recent approval of the new Global Agenda for Development, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which succeeded in prioritizing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls with the inclusion of a specific goal in the 2030 Agenda, as well as the inclusion of gender dimensions in all of the other Sustainable Development Goals.
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