Domestic workers in Latin America and the Caribbean during the COVID-19 crisis

During the global crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic, women domestic workers occupy a crucial place in the crisis response because of the central role they play in children, sick and dependent people care work, as well as the household domestic work, moreover in the prevention of the spread of the virus.
Despite the enormous contribution that their work makes to the lives of many people, they are also one of the main groups affected by the crisis. This is due, among other reasons, to the precarious employment situation in this sector, characterized by low salaries and lack of social benefits. These circumstances reduce their prospects of survival and support of their families in the face of layoffs or reduced income.
The Policy Brief "Domestic Workers in Latin America and the Caribbean during the COVID-19 Crisis", prepared jointly by UN Women, ILO and ECLAC, illustrates the situation of special vulnerability faced by domestic workers in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting the impacts of the current crisis caused by COVID-19. It also describes the measures promoted by social actors and institutions in the countries of the region and makes visible how much can still be done to guarantee the labor rights of domestic workers. Finally, it presents a series of recommendations for the design of actions to mitigate the impact of the health, economic and social crisis on domestic workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.