Mapping the situation of impactful investments with a gender perspective Uruguay | Opportunities and Challenges


This document was prepared by Acrux Partners in the framework of a consultancy for the Uruguay office of UN Women, thanks to the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the Win-Win Program: Gender equality is good business. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Union. Secondly, the investment situation through a gender lens in Uruguay which shows that, although there is an adequate regulatory framework and favorable market conditions, the same challenges in terms of financial inclusion with a gender perspective as in the other markets in the region can be observed. In the third section, we see the results of the survey conducted in the local MSME sector with regard to the conditions of, and principal barriers, to access to credit, and in the final module, we address the training needs, both supply and demand.

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