Women in the technology industry in Chile: findings and recommendations

Science and technology are sectors in rapid growth; they are vital to national economies and this means that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills have been identified as necessary for a country to remain economically competitive. In recent years, increasing digitalization has led to growing demand for professionals in technology fields, yet it is estimated that most of these positions will be occupied by men.
After this, a survey for completion by companies that use technology in Chile was developed, implemented and systematized; its results were used to present recommendations in respect of the skills that need to be developed through training and recommendations to companies. This was in order to encourage the recruitment of women in the technology sector, to implement gender policies and to reinforce the importance of gender equality in all areas, also taking account of the current crisis, the role of teleworking and Economy 4.0.
This study aims to provide relevant information on the participation of women in the area of technology and to identify the skills required, taking into consideration the current context of economic crisis produced by COVID-19.