The fight against racial discrimination is an effort that requires commitment and perseverance, says UN Brazil
The UN and the government of Brazil launched the International Decade for People of African Descent. Brazil has the second largest afro descendant population in the world, with nearly 105 million peopleDate:
Coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of the Latin American and African Descent Women, the UN System and the Government of Brazil presented the action plan to commemorate the International Decade for People of African Descent.

Mahamane Cisse-Gouro, head of the Human Rights High Commissioner Office for Africa: "In recent years, States have made significant progress in integrating into their constitutions and laws, protective measures for people of African descent. However, the road to a world free of racism, prejudice and stigma is still full of stones. Fighting racial discrimination is a long-term effort that requires commitment and perseverance".
Pedro Saldanha, head of the Human Rights Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil: "Brazil's role is very important at international fora. The international community expects a great deal from us in the field of human rights, particularly regarding those of the People of African descent."
Cida Abreu, president of the Palmares Cultural Foundation: "It's our responsibility to make of this decade, a time to consolidate public policies to achieve cultural and racial equality."
Jorge Chediek, Resident Coordinator of the UN System in Brazil: "Brazil has made a tremendous progress on its social and human development indicators, however, the racial disparities persist. There is still much to do, and this decade is an extraordinary opportunity to advance public policies aimed at closing the inequality gaps.”
Nilma Lino Gomes, Minister of SEPPIR: "It is important that people of African descent in all regions do not lose hope. We exist and we will always be here.”
About the International Decade for People of African Descent.
The International Decade for People of African Descent, proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 68/237 and to be observed from 2015 to 2024, provides a solid framework for the United Nations, Member States, civil society and all other relevant actors to join together with people of African descent and take effective measures for the implementation of the programme of activities in the spirit of recognition, justice and development. Read more.
To watch an animated video of Brazil’s commitment (in Portuguese), click here.