UN Women and Sumarse take actions to empower women
The UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean, along with the Global Compact Network in Panama, Sumarse, recently held a business forum to officially launch the Knowledge Gateway on Women’s Economic Empowerment: EmpowerWomen.org, as well as the Women’s Economic Principles.
Representatives from 30 Panamanian and regional private organizations attended the forum, in which they actively engaged in conversations that led to a unanimous agreement that equality is indeed a good investment, and that empowering women is key to achieve successful business indicators.
During the forum, the participants shared their experiences and concerns about the roadmap that still lies ahead to achieve equality in all spheres of society, highlighting the fact that gender equality is something that requires the active engagement of both, men and women.
This forum highlighted the need to build a strong commitment to meet the challenges and take the opportunities that will result in gender equality, especially following the recent adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, which prioritize gender equality and the empowerment of women as an indispensable condition to achieve sustainable development, democracy and peace in the world.
Knowledge Gateway on Women’s Economic Empowerment: www.empowerwomen.org
Women’s Economic Principles: http://weprinciples.org/