Members of the Civil Society Advisory Group in Latin America and the Caribbean
Gia Gaspard Taylor Gia Gaspard Taylor is a national of Trinidad and Tobago, who continues to devote herself tirelessly to national service particularly working with young people, women and the disadvantaged. | Trinidad & Tobago Rural producers / Youth |
Ruth Spencer ![]() Ruth Spencer, a national of Antigua and Barbuda is a 3-time Award Winner in Energy, Climate Change and the Environment. Her passion, dedication and commitment has enabled integrated people centered development using bottom up approaches. Ruth builds the capacities of the local community groups that brings visibility and empowerment to their work ensuring that women and gender concerns are mainstreamed across many of the SDG’s, the Escazu Agreement and the Multilateral Environmental Conventions Namely Waste Management, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Mercury. She connects the local to global processes though sharing case studies, presentations, and knowledge management products. | Antigua & Barbuda Enviorment, Climate Change, local organizations |
Mexico and Central America
Marilyn Ramón Medellín ![]() Marilyn is a Young lawyer and indigenous youth and women’s human`s rights defender. From the Mazahua People, she is cofounder of the “KE’GUA RERICHEJUI A.C.” (Human Rights Center). She is part of the Mexican National Indigenous Women Coordination (CONAMI). She is also part of ECMIA (Continental Indigenous Women of the America Network. She has experience defending and promoting women’s, youth and children human rights, especially on issues related to prevention of gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, access to justice for indigenous women and peoples. She has been a researcher in different projects on political participation of indigenous women, gender based violence against indigenous women, among others. | Mexico Youth, Indigenous people |
Andrea Avilez Ortega ![]() Andrea Avilez Ortega is a young feminist from Mexico City. She studied psychology at UNAM. During her career she focused her interests on social psychology with an emphasis on feminisms, sexuality, human rights and social transformation. She developed her graduate work on the analysis of the role of sexuality in the processes of human mobility, as well as the situation of LGBT migrants and refugee applicants. | Mexico Youth, community LGTBI |
Andean Countries
Waldistrudis Hurtado Minotta ![]() Master in Public Administration and Specialist in Social Management Consultant in Gender, Public Policies and Organizational Strengthening. Committed to women's rights in their ethnic and intercultural diversity. She has excelled in training processes for gender equality, the elimination of gender violence, women's political participation and the formulation and implementation of public gender policies. Delegate, Lecturer and Participant for Colombia in different international processes of Civil Society before the OAS, Inter-American Conference of Mayors and Local Authorities, Gender and Diversity Dialogue, Public Policies for Ethnic and Racial Inclusion carried out by the IDB, World Meeting of Afro-descendants and in the V Meeting of Municipal Women UNMUNDO is part of the Social and Political Movement of Black Women, She interacts with organizations and networks in the framework of the inclusion of the ethnic gender approach in the implementation of the Peace Accords. She is currently a member of the Regional Civil Society Advisory Group of the Spotlight Project to eliminate violence against women and girls. | Colombia Afro-Colombian rights activist / Working with rural women |
Quiteria Franco ![]() Degree in Education, mention in Languages, University of Zulia. Translator by the Universidad Metropolitana. Master in Applied Linguistics, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Coordinator of the Asociación Civil Unión Afirmativa de Venezuela. Advisor, trainer, and researcher on the human rights of LGBTI people. | Venezuela Sexual diversity activist |
Mónica Mendizabal ![]() Born in La Paz, Bolivia, she is a professional with more than 30 years of experience. Mother of a young woman who discovers the world in her early career. She made an incursion into feminism in an empirical way and later, along with her studies, she internalized feminist theory. Thus she understood that feminism is a reflexive practice rooted in life and its empiricism and in studies, the academy. | Bolivia Political participation, peace and security |
Brazil and Southern Cone
Givania Da Silva ![]() GIVÂNIA MARIA DA SILVA, educator and quilombola. Graduated in Literature and specialized in Teaching Programming and Local Sustainable Development. Master in Public Policies and Education Management at the University of Brasilia-UnB and doctoral student in Sociology at the same University. Research quilombola school education, quilombola women's organization and land issues in quilombos. She served as coordinator of land regularization of quilombola territories at the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform - INCRA. She is a founding member of the National Coordination of Quilombola Communities - CONAQ. Former National Secretary of Policies for Traditional Communities of SEPPIR. Member of the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers - ABPN and coordinator of the Scientific Committee: Quilombos, territorialities and emancipatory knowledge of the ABPN and member of the Fiscal Council of the same Association. She served as a consultant to FAO and UN Women and as a teacher trainer for the pedagogical curriculum The Brave are Not Violent. Author of the book Educação e Luta do Quilombo de Conceição das Crioulas, and several texts related to quilombola education, maintenance and preservation of quilombola territories. Currently substitute teacher at UnB and member of the Women and Education Collectives of CONAQ. She is a member of the Committee Black Women Towards a Planet 50-50 in 2030, Coordinated by CONAQ, the Research Racism and Violence against quilombolas in Brasilia. | Brazil Afro, quilombola, rural Women. |
Marcella Zub ![]() Marcella Zub Centeno, Paraguayan lawyer, teacher of fundamental rights and specialist in women's human rights. She works on issues related to political participation, parity and the eradication of violence against women in Paraguay, with several works and publications on the subject. She currently coordinates the Sumamos Mujeres Project, which seeks to promote active citizenship for women in Paraguay. She is a member of the Grupo Impulsor de la Paridad Democrática, the Red de Mujeres del Sur and the feminist organization Kuña Róga, from where she carries out her feminist activism promoting the women's movement at the local, national and regional levels, from a democratic, pluralist, egalitarian and fair practice. | Paraguay Human Rights, violence against women, political participation |
Mariana Salomón ![]() Young feminist activist from the Northwest of Argentina, Bachelor in Social Communication (UCSE) and Diploma in Gender and Feminist Movements (Sholem-FiloUBA). She worked as a university teacher, participated in two research teams, and currently works in the Institutional Communication Office of the Public Ministry of Defense of her province. Focusing on working for gender equity, she formed the founding committee of the organization Agenda de Género(s) where she served as editorial coordinator of its magazine, carried out various communication and training activities with adolescents, especially in the area of sexual and (non-)reproductive rights, and also worked in coordination with various social organizations until 2019. She was a scholarship holder for the Fundación Carolina and Banco Santander's Young Latin American Leaders Program, Edition XVI, which focused on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. She is currently studying for a Diploma in Social Sciences, Gender and Public Policy in the Master's Program in PRIGGEP at FLACSO, and was admitted to the Official Master's Program in Gender Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid with a scholarship from the UCM and Fundación Carolina. | Argentina Youth, communication, sexual and reproductive rights |
María José Guerrero ![]() She has a Master's degree in Gender Studies, mention in Humanities, from the University of Chile and is a Sociologist from the University of Playa Ancha. She will soon begin doctoral studies in Governance at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. | Chile Academic and activist, violence against women |