International seminar Promoting innovative financing through smart investment with a gender approach
October 10, 2019 8:30 am - 6:00 pm | Hotel Transamérica São Paulo, BrazilDate:
Under the Win Win program: Gender equality is a good business, UN Women with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and with the funding of the European Union organize the international seminar to present good practices of innovative investments with a gender perspective in the Latin American and Caribbean region, and in Europe, that will increase the access of entrepreneurs to financing, as well as investment in companies committed to equality or in those that produce goods and services that have a positive impact on women and girls lives.
The objective of this seminar is to create a space for debate on challenges related to the development of an innovative gender-sensitive investment ecosystem in the Latin American and Caribbean region
Learn more about the seminar here:
Seminar agenda:
(ES, EN, PT)
Register here
About Win-Win: Gender Equality means good business
This Programme is jointly developed by UN Women and the International Labour Organization (ILO), and is financed by the European Union0s (EU) Partnership instrument. Its aim is to contribute to gender equality by improving women’s participation in the workforce, entrepreneurship, economic empowerment and this their full and equal participation in society. It is being carried out in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Jamaica and Uruguay, and has a regional component coordinated from UN Women Brazil, with support of the UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean, located in Panama.
The Win-Win Programme has three components:
1.Networking and cooperation between women-led business
2.Companies and employers’ organizations capacity strengthening, knowledge and good practices sharing and advocacy
3.Innovative financing facing to support women-led innovations and business ventures.
Under componen 3, UN Women is expected to establish an innovative investment mechanism with a positive impact on gender equality that will help attract private sector investment.