UN Women signs agreement with ministries in Chile to promote gender equality and women's empowerment
UN Women signed collaboration agreements with the ministries of Public Works, Economy, Labor, Education, and Environment to support the strengthening of the strategy, gender mainstreaming, and intersectionality in public policies and thematic emphasis of each portfolio.
![Firma Ministerio de Obras Públicas Mnistro Juan Carlos García](/sites/default/files/2022-06/Firma%20Ministerio%20de%20Obras%20P%C3%BAblicas%20Mnistro%20Juan%20Carlos%20Garc%C3%ADa.png?t=1656517086)
As part of UN Women's global mandate to contribute with States to mainstream gender equality, María Noel Vaeza, UN Women's Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean, signed collaboration agreements with the Ministries of Public Works, Economy, Labor, Education, and Environment in Chile.
![Firma Ministra Maisa Rojas Ministra de Medio Ambiente 2000](/sites/default/files/2022-06/Firma%20Ministra%20Maisa%20Rojas%20Ministra%20de%20Medio%20Ambiente_0.png?t=1656516489)
The agreements will promote gender mainstreaming in ministerial and sectoral policies, as well as the strengthening of gender units and women's economic autonomy, through technical assistance on gender mainstreaming methodologies, gender-sensitive budgeting, promotion of an organizational culture free of gender bias and violence, and development of specific programs to favor women's labor participation in the context of economic recovery, among other actions according to ministerial priorities.
![Firma Ministra Jeannette Jara Ministra Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social 2000](/sites/default/files/2022-06/Firma%20Ministra%20Jeannette%20Jara%20Ministra%20Ministerio%20del%20Trabajo%20y%20Previsi%C3%B3n%20Social_0.png?t=1656516501)
"I would like to highlight and thank the political commitment of the Government of Chile and each ministry for including gender equality in their public policies. The collaboration agreements we have signed represent support for the important challenge that this Government has set forth, to mainstream the gender perspective in the public agenda, where the transforming energy of women is part of the actions and strategies in all portfolios. We will support relevant issues such as policies and actions to eliminate violence against women and girls, economic autonomy, employability, leadership, climate change, and gender-sensitive infrastructure budgets, among others," said María Noel Vaeza, regional director of UN Women.
![Firma Ministerio de Economía con Subsecretaria de Turismo Verónica Kunze y Subsecreataria de Economía Javiera Petersen](/sites/default/files/2022-06/Firma%20Ministerio%20de%20Econom%C3%ADa%20con%20Subsecretaria%20de%20Turismo%20Ver%C3%B3nica%20Kunze%20y%20Subsecreataria%20de%20Econom%C3%ADa%20Javiera%20Petersen.png?t=1656517165)
Along the same lines, these agreements aim to enhance the efforts of the ministries to promote the economic participation of women with the support of entrepreneurship programs and boost the employability of women, as well as encourage increased participation in decision-making and women's leadership through technical assistance to ministries.
![Firma Ministerio de Educación Ministro Educación Marco Antonio Ávila y Subsecretario de Educación Nicolás 2000](/sites/default/files/2022-06/Firma%20Ministerio%20de%20Educaci%C3%B3n%20Ministro%20Educaci%C3%B3n%20Marco%20Antonio%20%C3%81vila%20y%20Subsecretario%20de%20Educaci%C3%B3n%20Nicol%C3%A1s%20Cataldo_0.png?t=1656516516)
The signing of the memorandums took place in recent days, with the participation of María Noel Vaeza, UN Women's Regional Director, María Inés Salamanca, UN Women's Coordinator in Chile, along with the gender advisors of each portfolio, and the authorities of each ministry: Juan Carlos García, Minister of Public Works; Verónica Kunze, Undersecretary of Tourism; Javiera Petersen Undersecretary of Economy and smaller companies; Jeanette Jara, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare; Marco Ávila, Minister of Education; Nicolás Cataldo, Undersecretary of Education; Maisa Rojas, Minister of Environment; Ana Raquel Martínez, Seremi RM (Regional Ministerial Secretariats for Women) of the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity.