Gender-Responsive Budgeting | A roadmap for its implementation from Latin American experiences
The objective of this document is to compile good practices in gender budget initiatives by mapping the main advances in regulations, instruments, and tools developed in the countries of the LAC region and, based on these lessons learned, to draw up a road map that will serve as a reference framework to guide the development of new experiences and help consolidate existing ones. Furthermore, the document endeavors to furnish substantiation regarding a fundamental aspect of advancing gender equality and women's empowerment, namely, procuring resources to support its financing and execution, while advising governments on how to incorporate these insights into policymaking processes to enhance public administration. While it is acknowledged that gender-responsive budgeting experiences can affect revenue and expenditure, this study focuses exclusively on the impact on expenditure. It is assumed that the impact on revenue requires analysis using distinct methodologies and is not necessarily associated with the budget cycle and planning process.