Rapid Gender Analysis: Haiti 14 August 2021 Earthquake

UN Women and CARE, under the leadership of the Ministry for the Status of Women and Women's Rights (MCFDF) and in coordination with the Department of Civil Protection (DGPC) launched the Rapid Gender Analysis, designed to rapidly evaluate the impact of the earthquake of August 2021 on women, men, girls and boys, including persons in a situation of vulnerability, in order to guide the current humanitarian response in Haiti in the short term, as well as recovery efforts in the medium and long term. This study has been produced in partnership with the Special Gender Team of the humanitarian team in Haiti, and obtained financial, technical and logistical support from the following partners: Toya Foundation, IDEJEN, UNFPA, OCHA, PAHO/WHO, UNAIDS, WFP, UNDP and UNICEF.
This study allows us to restore and take into account the views of women, men and young people in the three affected departments in devising adapted responses in line with gender-specific needs, considering situations of vulnerability related to gender, disability, age, and other socioeconomic conditions. This study also echoes the appeals launched by women’s organizations.