Meta-analysis of evaluations for the period 2011-2014

The Independent Evaluation Office is in charge of the UN Women’s evaluation function. Its task is to provide evidence for decision-making and to contribute to learning about the best ways to promote gender equality and empowerment, as well as improving the accountability of the organization and its programs.
A central aspect of the Regional Evaluation Strategy for the Americas and the Caribbean 2014-2017 was to meet the demands of the organization to ensure the quality and credibility of decentralized evaluations. Based on this objective, a meta-analysis was carried out whose ultimate goal was to provide lessons learned to systematically strengthen the programming and effectiveness of the organization.
The initial basis for the meta-analysis was composed of all the evaluations carried out in the 2011-2014 period by the offices of UN Women, either at the country, multi-country or regional level, together with the evaluations carried out by the Fund for Gender Equality (FIG) of UN Women in the region. The analysis of these evaluations has allowed us to provide evidence that serves the reflection and decision-making of the Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean, country and multi-country offices, as well as the mid-term review process (Mid Term Review) of the Note Regional Strategic 2014-2017.