Latin American WEPs leaders share experiences in response to COVID-19 with a gender focus
The "Win-Win: Gender Equality is Good Business" Programme held two virtual meetings with company CEOs in June to address the "Response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the gender perspective".Date:
This dialogue with the private sector involved 9 representatives from different companies and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which are part of the network of companies adhering to the WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles).
These events were moderated by Adriana Carvalho, Regional Manager of the Win-Win Program, and launched by María Noel Vaeza, UN Women’s Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean. Lise Paté, (FPI) Regional Team - Americas of the European Union Delegation in Brazil, participated in both meetings and presented the support and development that the European Union has been carrying out through the financing of the Win-Win Programme in the 6 countries where it is currently being implemented.
The CEOs who participated sharing their experiences and lessons learned were: Daniel Silveira, AVON, Brazil / Maurício Bähr, ENGIE, Brazil / Ignacio Del, World Trade Center Freezone, Uruguay / Macarena Navarrete, EY, Chile / Luiza Helena Trajano, (Chief of board of directors of MAGAZINE LUIZA) and founder of Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, Brazil / Tania Cosentino, MICROSOFT, Brazil / Pablo Sibilla, RENAULT, Argentina / Martiza Hernández C., TRANSPORTES DOSCIENTOS CINCO, Costa Rica / Claudia Woods, UBER, Brazil.
The focus of the conversations was on sharing each company's experiences and each speaker's reflection on how the pandemic has impacted their businesses, and why diversity and women's empowerment continue to be important to businesses. The importance of more women in technology and technology in companies to face the pandemic, the role of companies to adapt the new work dynamics with the various roles of women and men in the home, the new health protocols and the importance of giving visibility and security to employees, were some of the topics discussed. In addition, they were invited to share examples of the main actions taken by the company, and especially those that specifically supported women.
In the words of Lise Paté of the European Union, "All the actions for economic recovery that we are planning in the European Union, continue to have at the center the action for gender equality, because it is not only a good thing to do but "THE" thing that we must do together".
María Noel Vaeza closed the last dialogue on June 26th with the following remarks: "The COVID-19 crisis has had two faces: the visibility of the role of women in terms of the hours dedicated to unpaid care and the increase of gender-based violence due to confinement. On the latter issue, I want to highlight the creativity the private sector has put into marketing actions to include the protection of women in their campaigns, which has allowed many women to be saved.
For those who could not participate, we share a link to the recording.
UN Women, the International Labour Organization (ILO), together with the European Union and with funding from the European Union's Partnership Instrument, have joined forces to support sustainable and inclusive economic growth in six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, through the "Win-Win: Gender Equality is Good Business" programme. The programme is part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, which incorporates the issue of women's economic empowerment, in particular SDG 5: Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering All Women and Girls.
We invite you to follow all the regional developments of the Win-Win Program through the LinkedIn.