Lessons from UN Women evaluations in the Americas and Caribbean

UN Women, Independent Evaluation Service

UN Women conducts decentralized evaluations for acountability, learning and decision-making purposes.

This series of four briefs aims to facilitate the strategic use of evidence generated through such evaluation work in the Latin America and Caribbean region. A meta-synthesis was conducted of 20 evaluation reports carried out from 2015-2020 in the region across four key programmatic areas of UN Women: (1) women's economic empowerment; (2) governance and political participation; (3) women, peace and security; and (4) elimination of violence against women and girls. With a view to identifying good practices and recommendations to support programmatic improvement, the briefs highlight UN Women's key contributions, strong approaches, and opportunities in each of the four programmatic areas. In addition, the exercise identified evidence relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic response.

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Women's economic empowerment
English | Español

Governance and political participation
English | Español

Women, peace and security
English | Español

Elimination of violence against women and girls
English | Español



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